Event closed

This event is now closed, if you would be interested in attending a similar event please contact our team on [email protected] or call us on 01372 418 500.

AWS Breakfast Briefing

If you are currently deciding where to host your next Windows workloads, have you considered AWS?

More and more businesses are using the flexible, scalable, and secure infrastructure of AWS to run their Microsoft Windows workloads - the platform hosts over 50% of the Windows Server instances in use across public cloud.

Bytes AWS Services has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to designing, delivering and optimising environments on the Amazon platform. In addition to this, our position in the market as the leading Microsoft partner in the UK, places us in a strong position to help you understand, plan and manage the journey from start to finish.

Join Bytes AWS Services and Amazon on Thursday 23rd May for breakfast at The Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow and hear how we're working together to unleash the power of Windows applications on AWS.

  • Learn why organisations are using Amazon to host their Windows applications
  • Understand how deploying SQL in AWS can increase performance and reduce costs
  • Hear how Bytes AWS Services can drive down your cloud costs to create budget for new workloads and projects
  • Establish how to accelerate your adoption of cloud by leveraging Bytes technical resource in parallel with funding from Amazon

This event is free to attend and includes a delicious continental breakfast on arrival. So be sure to arrive early so you don't miss out!


Grand Central Hotel

Thursday 23rd May

99 Gordon St. Glasgow. G1 3SF
Contact us

Register for the AWS Breakfast Briefing event here:

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