Introducing VirtualSharp ReliableDR

Friday 15th July 2016

ReliableDR is VirtualSharp Software's flagship product which enables Virtual Data Centers (VDCs) to replace outdated or less than effective legacy DR processes with frequent and iterative DR testing of IT services. Unlike legacy DR tests, which are typically run once per year or at best quarterly, ReliableDR enables DR testing to be performed automatically, on a daily or hourly basis. Exit recovery point objectives, enter certified recovery points.

ReliableDR works by collaborating with the various physical and virtual infrastructure components (hypervisors, storage, replication, snapshots etc.) in order to orchestrate and establish coherent and dependency-aware IT Service recovery policies. These policies can be set by IT or business management and are enforced automatically, through a closed-loop mechanism, that rectifies configuration drift and identifies threats to recovery as soon as they occur.

Why VirtualSharp ReliableDR

IT Service Oriented

  • Designed from the ground up to support complex, multi-tier business applications and their interdependencies
  • Enables IT Service RPO and RTO SLAs to be set by policy, measuring and enforcing compliance
  • Reports SLA deviation via web dashboard, email and SNMP

Fully Automated

  • Enables continuous, non-disruptive DR testing (hourly, daily, weekly)
  • Enables server, application and IT Service failover, failback or rollback, at the push of a button
  • No software agents are required in the production site


  • Snapshots, DR testing and recovery guarantee that critical components are always fully recoverable
  • Out-of-the-box DR testing for Exchange, SharePoint, SQL, IIS, Oracle, MySQL, Apache etc.
  • Supports mixed physical and virtual environments
  • Scales from small IT environments to large datacenters
  • Provides freedom to use SAN or host based replication
  • Supports all Microsoft and Linux x86 applications

"VirtualSharp ReliableDR is unique. It has eliminated the need for manual DR testing and guarantees that our RPO and RTO for email and other business critical IT Services can always be met…whatever the scenario."

IT Systems and Operations Manager, Santalucia Insurance

ReliableDR is also fully application-aware and operates at the IT Service level, to test recovery in enclosed virtual containers. The certification cycle is aligned with business policy; tests can go from a cursory heartbeat check and a web page access for a minor service, to complex queries and heavy transactions for critical production applications. Upon successful conclusion of tests, ReliableDR certifies the recovery point and catalogs it.

For more information speak to your Bytes account manager on 0208 786 1500 or request a call back.

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